Vanity of Vancity(Graphic Novel)
IncidentalCharacter(Graphic Novel)
Lust Vegas (Graphic Novel, Clothing Graphic)
Rough Development
Ehch 4 Oh ( Graphic Novel)
Rough Development
Envy (Graphic Novel)
Gluttony (Graphic Novel)
Amy CrackHouse (Evelyn Evelyn Music Video)
Tooth Assistant ( Benex Extractor Instructional Video)
Beach Babe (Graphic Novel)
Greed the Devil (Graphic Novel)
Rage (Graphic Novel)
Marcel of No No Spots (Promotional)
Shawne Merriman (Online Pitch)
Lemar and Sway (music Video Pitch)
Lethal Bizzle (music Video Pitch)
Vanity of Vancity (Graphic Novel)
Empire (Graphic Novel)
Sloth (Graphic Novel)
Glut Babe (Clothing Graphic)
lil L.S.D (Graphic Novel)
Vancity Babe (Graphic Novel)
Vancity Babe (Graphic Novel)
Envy the Mech (Graphic Novel)
E_Knee_Bree_A_Tion (Graphic Novel)